Singapore World Piano Competition 2024


Asian Art Association Singapore


June 7, 2024


Oct 7, 2024

- The "Singapore World Piano Competition 2024" is hosted by the Asian Art Association Singapore. It is a professional piano competition that recruits contestants from all over the world. The entries should be piano solos, and piano enthusiasts and professional pianists from all over the world can participate.
- The competition is divided into categories according to age and professional level, as follows:
Children Category A: Under 8 years old, 2 to 4 minutes for at least 2 pieces of their choice (Entry fee S$80)
Children Category B: Under 10 years old, 3 to 6 minutes for at least two pieces of their choice (Entry fee S$100)
Children Category C: Under 12 years old, 5 to 10 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$120)
Junior Category A: Under 14 years old, 7 to 12 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$140)
Junior Category B: Under 16 years old, 9 to 15 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$160)
Junior Category C: Under 18 years old, 10 to 16 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$180)
Youth Category: Under 21 years old, 10 to 18 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$200)
Adult Category: 21 years and above, 10 to 22 minutes for at least two pieces in different styles (Entry fee S$240)
Grade 1 and below: No age limit, 2 to 4 minutes, Two pieces equal to the same level but in different styles (Entry fee S$90)
Grade 2-3: No age limit, 3 to 6 minutes, Two phases of the same level but in different styles (Entry fee S$100)
Grade 4-5: No age limit, 5 to 8 minutes, Two pieces of the same level but in different styles (Entry fee S$120)
Grade 6-7: No age limit, 7 to 11 minutes, Two pieces of the same level but in different styles (Entry fee S$140)
Grade 8: No age limit, 9 to 13 minutes, Two pieces equal to the same level but in different styles (Entry fee S$160)
College Level 1: No age limit, 12 to 16 minutes for one or more pieces of the same level (Entry fee S$200)
College Level 2: No age limit, 14 to 22 minutes for one or more pieces of equivalent level (Entry fee S$240)
- Participants can decide to register by age or by professional level. The same work can be registered in both the Category by Age and the Category by Level, but separate fees are required.
- At least two different styles of music means: in addition to two different styles of music, you can play multiple music, which should be within the different time requirements of each category, and the music style is not limited.
- Participants need to record their own horizontal screen videos. No editing is allowed during the performance. The video must remain still, and the contestant's hands and face must always be in sight.
- Any category must submit corresponding works according to the requirements of different time and number of music.
- You must play from memory when performing, and completely repeated parts of the music do not need to be played.
- Each independent work must be uploaded separately; when playing suites, sets, etc. as a piece of music, it needs to be uploaded as a video, and no editing or splicing is allowed in the middle.
- The video file name should be named in the following format: contestant's name, age, nationality, participating category, music name and the words "Specially played for the Singapore World Piano Competition 2024".
- All submitted works should be performed and recorded in 2024.
- Submit the entry form and a link to,, Dropbox or for the video file on the official competition website by 24:00 on October 7, 2024, Singapore time (same as Beijing time / Taipei time/Hong Kong time / Kuala Lumpur time).
- When selecting the repertoire, performers should choose music that can show their highest level.
- Performers must perform the number and duration of the repertoire specified by the competition, and can choose any composer's works from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern era piano repertoires. Preludes and fugues are considered as one work; continuous works: any combination such as sonatas, suites, etc. is considered as one work.
- For entries categorized according to performance level, each performer must select a work equal to each level (based on the degree of the Emperor's Examination and the Holy Trinity Examination) to be presented. In addition to two works of different styles and periods, one or more works may be performed.
- Performers who choose to register for the examination performance twice should try to choose completely different repertoires to perform in order to obtain better results and get advice from professional pianist judges.
- Contestants need to record on a tuned piano, but upright pianos or grand pianos are not limited.
- Participants must attach a published electronic score of their own music (in PDF format) when registering, indicating the name of the participant and the category they are participating in. If there is no published score, please provide a letter of consent from the composer.
- The judges will score the performers based on multiple dimensions, including the difficulty of the music, the mastery and application of playing techniques, musical expression ability, and performance style.
- Submission method: You can provide a link to the official website application form through file sharing websites (such as Google Drive, Baidu Cloud, Dropbox, WeTransfer, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.). Please note that we do not accept any links from video streaming websites such as Youku, Tencent Video, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
- The award criteria for this competition are as follows:
Each category scoring 95 points or above: Platinum Prize certificate and trophy, and invited to deliver an acceptance speech
Each category scoring 90 to 94 points: a First Prize certificate and invited to deliver an acceptance speech
Each category scoring 85 to 89 points: a second prize certificate and invited to deliver an acceptance speech
Each category scoring 80 to 84 points, a third prize certificate and an invitation to make an acceptance speech.
Each category scoring 70 to 79 points: Certificate of Merit
Each category scoring 69 points or below: Participant's Certificate
- Prize distribution rules:
The highest score among all Platinum Prize winners in the Children Category A, Children Category B and Children Category C will win S$150.
The highest scorer among all Platinum Prize winners in the Junior Category A, Junior Category B and Junior Category C will win S$200.
The highest scorer among all Platinum Prize winners in the Youth Category and Adult Category will win S$300.
The highest scorer among all Platinum Prize winners in the Grade 1 or below, Grade 2-3 and Grade 4-5 will win S$150.
The highest scorer among all Platinum Prize winners in the Grade 6-7 and Grade 8 will win S$200.
The highest scorer among all Platinum Prize winners in the Tertiary 1 and Tertiary 2 will win S$300.
In the event of a tie for first place, the prize money will be divided equally.
- The Outstanding Tutor Award will be given to the tutor who selects one competitor to win first place in the category or at least two competitors to win third place or above.
- The Outstanding Organization Award will be given to training institutions and schools that send more than ten participants.
- The organizing committee has the right to adjust the number of winners based on the performance level of each category.
- The entries are limited to the performance of the creator. It is strictly forbidden to plagiarize other people's works. If there is infringement, in addition to recovering the reward according to law, the creator shall bear the legal responsibility and it has nothing to do with the organizer.
- No entries will be returned, and the entry fee will not be refunded. The organizer has the right to collect, broadcast, exhibit, publish, etc. for the selected winning works, and will not pay any remuneration or rights fees for future use.
- Please confirm that the registration information is correct. If you modify the information or resubmit the work before the registration deadline, you will need to pay an administrative fee of 10 SGD. After the registration deadline, no content can be modified.
- The content on the certificate is based on the information filled in when registering. Please fill it out carefully. If you find any errors, please contact the competition organizing committee within 15 days.
- The organizer has the final right of interpretation of this event. Registering for the competition means complying with the selection rules and the final selection results of the organizer.