Wild City

Painting Competition 2024

Nature Enters the Dream, the City is Reborn


Asian Art Association Singapore

Supported by

National Parks Board / Singapore Botanic Gardens


Oct 31, 2024

Marina Bay, Singapore
by Lucy Rose, British illustrator
Since the 1960s, Singapore has embarked on a long journey of urban greening. Today, parks, green belts and botanical gardens across the island make Singapore an internationally recognised model of a green city. As a modern city where green space and urban life are intertwined, Singapore has become a world-recognised ‘Garden City’ and is in the process of becoming a ‘City in a Garden’, as it continues to embrace the vision of integrating ecological conservation with urban development.

In order to further promote the spread and practice of the concept of ‘Harmony between Humanity and Nature’, the Asian Art Association Singapore (AAA), in conjunction with the National Parks Board of Singapore (NParks) and the Singapore Botanic Gardens (SBG) - a World Heritage Site - invites painting enthusiasts from all over the world to participate in the following competition ‘The Wilderness City Painting Competition is an artistic endeavour to showcase the beauty of modern cities coexisting with nature.

‘The Wilderness City Painting Competition aims to draw more attention to the relationship between humans and nature through painting, and to explore how to find the peace and beauty of nature in the midst of busy city life. As the world's first tropical botanical garden to be listed as a World Heritage Site, the Singapore Botanic Gardens has witnessed this evolution and is a perfect representation of modern-day harmony between people and nature. As a great honour for the winners, the outstanding entries will be displayed at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a World Heritage Site. This garden is not only an important cultural icon of Singapore, but also a tourist attraction for visitors from all over the world. Through the exhibition here, the participants' artworks will have the opportunity to be appreciated by audiences from all over the world, conveying the concept of the symbiosis between human beings and nature, and demonstrating to global tourists the interplay between art and nature.

In today's fast-growing urbanisation process, how to maintain a harmonious relationship with nature in urban space is a common issue facing the world. The ‘Wild City Painting Competition’ provides a unique platform for art lovers around the world, allowing each participant to express his or her love of nature and vision for the future of green cities through art. Art is not only a manifestation of beauty, but also a call for the symbiosis of man and nature.

We sincerely invite painting enthusiasts from all over the world to participate in this competition, and use the paintbrush in your hands to paint a beautiful picture of the future integration of cities and nature! Let's explore the perfect balance between the wilderness and the city, and use art to add more green and vitality to the world.

Central Park, New York
by Jeffrey M Levine, American Oil Painter


- Combination of art and nature: The theme of this competition is centred on ‘Wilderness Cities’, where participants are free to give free rein to their creativity and express through their paintings the coexistence and integration of human beings and nature, of the city and of green spaces. We hope that each piece of artwork is not only a painting, but also a reflection and praise of the relationship between nature and urban life.

- Cross-border cooperation: This competition is jointly organised by the Singapore Asian Art Society, the National Parks Board and the Singapore Botanic Gardens, with the aim of conveying the concept of ‘wilderness cities’ through the combination of art and nature, so that people from all over the world can explore the beautiful relationship between human beings and nature through the use of paintbrushes.

- Public Publication: All entries will be publicly published for the collection of celebrities from different countries, and will be part of the cultural memory of mankind by being permanently collected by important libraries around the world such as the Singapore National Library, the United States Capitol Memorial Museum, the Library of Congress of Japan, the National Library of China, the Hong Kong Central Library and so on.

- Rich prizes: Participants will not only receive an award certificate, but also a special letter of appreciation from the National Parks Board of Singapore. Outstanding entries will also have the opportunity to be displayed publicly at the globally renowned Singapore Botanic Gardens, showcasing your artistic talent to the world.


Painting art enthusiasts and professionals worldwide


20 August 2024:
Opening of Entries

31 October 2024:
Deadline for Submission of Entries

6 November 2024:
Announcement of the Results of the Competition

10 November 2024:
Decision on Works to be Exhibited

2 December 2024:
Opening of the Singapore Botanic Gardens Exhibition

15 December 2024:
Download of Electronic Awards Opens

10 January 2025:
Physical Delivery of Awards and Portfolios of Winning Works

28 February 2024:
Closing of the Singapore Botanic Gardens Exhibition

Group Arrangements

Professional Youth: 17 years old and under
Professional Adult: 18 years old and above
Amateur Preschool: 3 to 7 years old
Amateur Children: 8 years old to 12 years old
Amateur Youth: 13 years old to 17 years old
Amateur Adult: 18 years old and above


SG Division: Singapore
MY Division: Malaysia
TW Division: Taiwan
JPKR Division: Japan and South Korea
USCA Division: United States and Canada
EU Division: United Kingdom and European Union countries
CN Division: Mainland China
HKMO Division: Hong Kong and Macau
Global Division: Other countries

Works Requirements (Summary)

- Entries should be based on the theme of ‘Wild City’.
- There is no limit to the number of entries; upload one work at a time; for multiple works, please upload them in separate installments and pay the entry fee separately.
- Works can be presented in a variety of ways and in any format.
- The size of the entry must be A3 (297mm x 420mm) or the same scale, both straight and horizontal.
· Entries must be clear, in JPG or PNG format, and the file size must not exceed 10MB.
- For each entry, please submit a one-paragraph description in English or Chinese (minimum 30 words, maximum 100 words)
- No artificial intelligence technology is allowed.


We will be inviting talented artists from around the globe to serve as judges, the list of which will be announced at a later date.

Grading Standard

- Judges will score according to "Creativity", "Artistry", "Conformity to the theme" and "Explanation". The judges will score according to "creativity", "artistry", "conformity to theme" and "description".
- Each division will select the PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE and OUTSTANDING WORKS for each category, with the following percentages: 5% for PLATINUM, 10% for GOLD, 25% for SILVER, 55% for BRONZE, and 5% for OUTSTANDING WORKS. (The Organizing Committee reserves the right to adjust the ratio according to the quality of the works)
- The No. 1 WORLDWIDE, No. 2 WORLDWIDE and No. 3 WORLDWIDE in each category will be selected among the PLATINUM and GOLD in each division.
- In addition, we will select a number of Best Creativity Awards, Best Composition Awards, Best Color Awards, and Best Tutor Awards based on the quality of the works.
- Collective entry schools will be awarded the Best Organization Award.


No. 1 Worldwide: Trophy, Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
No. 2 Worldwide: Trophy, Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
No. 3 Worldwide: Trophy, Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
PLATINUM of Division: Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
GOLD of Division: Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
SILVER of Division: Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
BRONZE of Division: Electronic award badges, Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
OUTSTANDING WORKS of Division: Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
Best Creativity Award: Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
Best Composition: Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
Best Color Award: Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
Outstanding Totor Award: Certificate of the competition winners and Album with the winning entry.
Outstanding Organization Award: Trophy and Certificate.

All entries will be assembled into an album and distributed globally, and will be permanently collected by important libraries around the world, such as the National Library of Singapore, the Library of Congress of USA, the Library of the National Assembly of Japan, the National Library of China, the Hong Kong Central Library, etc., and will become part of the cultural memory of mankind.

Fee & Submit

Amateur Group S$69
Professional Group S$99
*Includes competition award certificate, Certificate of Appreciation from the National Heritage Foundation (NHF) of the National Heritage Board of Singapore (NHB), Album and 9% Singapore GST.
We welcome painting training organizations from around the world to contact us to discuss group enrollment or exclusive local partnerships.

Learning Zones




WhatsApp: +65 8136 2782
Email: [email protected]