Political Scientist & Columnist / Hong Kong


Shen Xuhui (Simon) is an international relations scholar in Hong Kong. He used to be the Associate Professor and Director of the Global Studies Program at the School of Social Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Associate Program Director of the Master of Global Political Economy, the Co-Director of the International Affairs Research Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Institute of Education The main article of "The Letter" (international), research directions include Chinese nationalism and diplomacy, international anti-terrorism, Sino-US relations, Hong Kong's foreign relations, etc. He is also the chairman of a private think tank active in Hong Kong, China and the United States and a columnist for several newspapers and magazines. In addition, Simon is also active on social media, and has more than 25 followers on his private Facebook page of Global Relations, "Secluded City: Shen Xuhui International Living Station Simon's Glos World".

He joined Global Artists Committee of Asian Art Association in 2020.


After graduating from high school in Hong Kong, Simon continued to obtain higher degrees from abroad. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from Yale University and a doctorate degree from Oxford University, majoring in global relations. After returning to Hong Kong, he worked at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, and worked as a scholar or researcher at the National University of Singapore, Tsinghua University, Warwick University and other institutions.


While Simon is committed to academic research, he also established his own company GLOs. The company is eager to become a one-stop global relationship industry chain. It has now expanded to more than XNUMX branches, and its business includes tourism, education, academic research, etc. And continue to expand.

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