Wong Tong

Military Expert / Macao


Born in Macau, Antony Wong Tong is a senior military researcher, president of the Macau International Military Association, a member of the China Military Science and Technology Activity Center, a guest chairman of Radio Macau, and a military columnist. Articles are common in "Wide-angle Lens", "Military", "Macao Daily", "Asia Weekly" and so on.

He joined Global Artists Committee of Asian Art Association in 2020.


In the 1996 Bao fishing incident, Wong drafted a plan for the fishermen in the military, from which he got to know like-minded people on both sides of the strait, including military, civilian, and military magazines. Since then, he has entered the public view and has gradually become the mainstream media of Hong Kong and Taiwan The "best choice" when seeking military advice.


2020 is a high-risk year for war
Difficulties in U.S. military operations in Afghanistan
Macao 12 · 3 tragedy and gaps in modern military history
Sino-U.S. New Cold War from Parade
The Good Age of Weaponism
New weapon or new toy?

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